Field Glossary

Abstract: The publication abstract describes the content of the publication.

APT Score: Approximate Potential to Translate (APT) score identifying early signatures of bench-to-bedside translation, calculated using machine learning. For more information about the iCite Translation module methodology, see iCite help text:

Author Affiliation: Name of the institution or other organisation for each author. Affiliation may be included for authors, corporate authors and investigators, if submitted by the publisher. The Abstract format displays affiliation for citations with fewer than 100 authors. PubMed includes the note “Contributed equally” in the affiliation field if this information is supplied by publishers. Each affiliation is within square brackets, multiple affiliations are separated by a semi-colon. See also Full Author Affiliation.

    Example Value: Erasmus Medical Center

Author Count: Number of authors on the publication.

Authors: Search for publications by author name. This field contains the full name (on the publication) of all authors. Note that corporate authors will not appear in the author name list. This will explain inconsistencies between the author count and author names. To identify corporate authors you can use the ‘Go to source’ button in record view.

Authors First Name: Search by author first name. This field contains the first name (on the publication) of all authors. If the first name is an intial on the publication only the initial will appear in this field.

Authors Initials: Search by author initials. This field contains the intials of all authors listed on a publication. Authors are separated by a semi-colon ';'. Where an author has a middle initial there is no space betwen the first and middle initial.

Authors Last Name: Search by author last name. This field contains the last name (on the publication) of all authors. This field will reduce false positives if searching using just a last name, e.g. searching Thomas in author name would return any authors with a first, middle or last name of Thomas. Searching this field would only return last names.

Chemicals and Drugs: Publication title and abstract text are compared to a dictionary of chemical and drug terms and phrases. Returned matches are listed in this field. Can be searched as chemicalsDrugsPreferred or chemicalsDrugsBroadSynonym, the former will search for a word or phrase, the latter will also search for words or phrases below the search term in the vocabulary tree.

Citing Clinical PMIDS: PMIDs that cite PMIDs that have one of these as the Pub Type: "Clinical Study", "Clinical Trial", "Clinical Trial, Phase I", "Clinical Trial, Phase II", "Clinical Trial, Phase III", "Clinical Trial, Phase IV", "Adaptive Clinical Trial", "Controlled Clinical Trial", "Randomized Controlled Trial", "Clinical Trial Protocol", "Observational Study", "Guideline", "Practice Guideline"

Condition: Conditions are diseases, disorders, syndromes, illnesses, or injuries that are automatically extracted from titles and abstracts using natural language processing software that identifies phrases and synonyms along with their associated Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) semantic type. Can be searched as conditionPreferred or conditionBroadSynonym, the former will search for a word or phrase, the latter will also search for words or phrases below the search term in the vocabulary tree.

Devices (Extracted): Publication title and abstract text are compared to a dictionary of device terms and phrases. Returned matches are listed in this field. Can be searched as devicesPreferred or devicesBroadSynonym, the former will search for a word or phrase, the latter will also search for words or phrases below the search term in the vocabulary tree.

DOI: Search for publications by their digital object identifier.

    Example Value: 10.1016/b978-0-12-801185-0.00018-0

First Author: Full name of first listed author on the publication.

Full Author Affiliation: Full address and contact details of all authors. Affiliation may be included for authors, corporate authors and investigators, if submitted by the publisher. The Abstract format displays affiliation for citations with fewer than 100 authors. PubMed includes the note “Contributed equally” in the affiliation field if this information is supplied by publishers. Each affiliation is within square brackets, multiple affiliations are separated by a semi-colon. See also Author Affiliation.

Example value: Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Full Text: Search for words or phrases in the publication text. See also Supplemental Text.

iCite Article Type: Flag to show whether a publication is an article type used in iCite. To be counted as an 'article', a document must have a PubMed "Publication Type" tag indicating a possible research article, and no "Publication Type" tags indicating derivative or non-research documents. For a list of article types see iCite Help

ISSN: An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic. The ISSN usually takes the form of the acronym ISSN followed by two groups of four digits, separated by a hyphen. The eighth digit is a check digit calculated according to a modulus 11 algorithm on the basis of the 7 preceding digits; this eighth control digit may be an “X” if the result of the computing is equal to “10”, in order to avoid any ambiguity.

Journal Country: Country of journal. Field is blank for pre-prints.

Journal Issue: The number of the journal issue in which the article was published. Field is blank for pre-prints.

Journal Name: Search for publications by the journal name ISO. Field is blank for pre-prints.

    Example Value: Int J Mol Sci

Journal Name Full: Search for publications by the full name of a journal. Field is blank for pre-prints.

    Example Value: International journal of molecular sciences

Journal Pages: Field contains the first and last page number of the article in the journal. Field is blank for pre-prints.

Journal Volume: The number of the journal volume in which an article is published. Field is blank for pre-prints.

Last Author: Search for publications by the name of the last author on the publication.

Latest Version: Yes/No field to identify whether a publication is the latest version. For example, if a pre-print article has now been published in a peer reviewed journal, the field will show 'No'. To identify only the most recent versions of publications, use "Yes".

License Type: Identifies any licensing or copyright.

PMCID: The PubMed Central reference number (PMCID) is a unique number assigned to a work that is posted to PubMed Central (PMC), a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed and managed by NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM). All works applicable under the NIH Public Access Policy are posted to PubMed Central.

PMID: PMID is the unique identifier number used in PubMed. They are assigned to each article record when it enters the PubMed system, so an in press publication will not have one unless it is issued as an electronic pre-pub. The PMID# is always found at the end of a PubMed citation.

    Example Query: 25398350

Publication Date: Date of publication of the article of interest.

Publication Types: Contains the PubMed article type information.

Publication Year: Year of publication of article of interest.

Published As: Identifies publications that have also been published elsewhere, e.g. an article that was published on a pre-print server then included in a peer reviewed journal. Pre-prints now published in a peer reviewed journal will include the PubMed ID of the peer reviewed publication in this field. Peer reviewed articles previously published on a pre-print server will include the pre-print DOI in this field.

    Example Value: Previously published as DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.29.20029322

Source: Identifies the source of the publication record. Values are either 'Peer reviewed (PubMed)' or the name of the pre-print server: arXiv, medRxiv, bioRxiv, and ChemRxiv.

Supplemental Text: Search for words or phrases in the supplemental text of the publication.

System ID: unique ID for each publication in the iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio. For peer reviewed publications this will be the PMID, for pre-prints this will be the DOI.

Target (Extracted): Targets are drug targets and are created using a dictionary of target terms and searching the text of the title and abstract. The dictionary comes from Can be searched as targetPreferred or targetBroadSynonym, the former will search for a word or phrase, the latter will also search for words or phrases below the search term in the vocabulary tree.

Title: Search for terms and phrases within the publication title.

Total Citations: Count of the publications citing the article.

Total References: The number of papers cited by the article of interest.