Search Terms and Phrases

Search for a topic of interest using a term or phrase.

Search Fields

Unless fields are specificed in your search, searches are only executed within the fields selected in the Searchable Fields dialog. Before conducting a search make the appropriate field selections.


By default, the implied search operator in the iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio is AND. That means any time multiple search terms or phrases are searched without making any changes to the search operators or explicitly including a different search operator between the terms and phrases in the query; the results returned will include records where all of the search terms or phrases appear in each record. To switch the search operator applied in a search, click the appropriate radio button to the right of the search bar or type the preferred operator (OR or AND) between the search terms or phrases. If a boolean operator is part of the query, the operator in the query overrides the operator selected to the right of the search bar.


A term search refers to entering one or more independent terms in the search bar. For example, search for a single term, like:


Or search for multiple, independent terms, like:

    COPD cancer 

In the second example, COPD and cancer are treated as two independent terms and, without an explicit search operator between the two terms, the iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio returns results where COPD and cancer appear in each record. To switch the operator applied in your query select the appropriate operator to the right of the search bar. Alternatively, you can explicitly enter the preferred search operator:

    COPD AND cancer


    COPD OR cancer

When searching for single terms, there is no need to wrap them in quotation marks or separate them with commas.


A search can also be conducted with search phrases, where each search phrase is wrapped in quotation marks. For example:

    “lung disease”

In the above example, records will be returned where lung and disease appear in order and adjacent to each other. Multiple search phrases can be searched together, as well, for example:

    “lung disease” “lung cancer”

Again, it should be noted that the implied search operator between search phrase is AND unless explicitly switched to OR.

Changing Search Fields and Search Operator Selections

At any point in your search, you can change Searchable Fields and search operators applied to the search. Open the Searchable Fields dialog and make field changes then click the Search button to rerun the search with the updated search field. Likewise, if you choose to switch the search operator applied to your search be sure to click the Search button to rerun the search with the updated search operator.