1. What is iSearch?

iSearch is NIH’s next-generation portfolio analysis platform, providing comprehensive, easy-to-use access to a carefully curated, extensively linked data set of global grants, patents, publications, clinical trials, and drugs.

In response to analytical needs in connection with the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic, OPA has developed a special module of iSearch to provide a comprehensive, expert-curated portfolio of COVID‑19 publications and preprints. Our iSearch COVID‑19 portfolio, which includes peer-reviewed articles from PubMed and preprints from medRxiv, bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, and arXiv, is updated daily with the latest available data. This resource enables users within and outside NIH to explore and analyze the rapidly growing set of advances in COVID‑19 research as they accumulate in real time, and complements efforts by NLM to aggregate full text documents broadly related to COVID-19 and other outbreaks, and articles on COVID‑19 specific to the PubMed database.

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2. How do I cite the iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio?

No permission is required to use public government information. Cite NIH OPA iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio.

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3. Which browsers are supported?

We support most browsers, though some functionality will not work in Internet Explorer. We recommend Google Chrome.

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4. Can I save my search and/or results?

After running a search, the url at the top of the screen will be unique to that search. Saving the url will enable you to re-run the search or to send it to someone else so that they can view your search results. Note that this url is for the search, not the results. If new publications, matching your search criteria, have been added to the portfolio since you last ran the search these would be included in your search results.

To save a static copy of your results you can Export Results to an Excel or .csv file.

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5. How can I get in touch if I have questions?

You can use the submit feedback button in the menu at the top right of the screen, or you can email the OPA iSearch COVID-19 Portfolio team at: OPA_COVID19@od.nih.gov.

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