Current Record

Below the buttons that are placed along the top of each record are two tabs: Current Record and Associated Docs. The Current Record tab displays the content for the currently opened record. Fields are displayed in groups that match the field groupings displayed in the Searchable Fields and Export dialogs. The blue heading with white text displaying the name for each group is clickable. Click a group header to collapse the group. To expand a collapsed group click on the blue header again and the group will expand to display all fields. Fields that have no data displayed have no associated data available.

Collapsed Groups - Click on the blue header and the group will expand. Click again and the group will collapse.

The fields within a record vary from single-valued fields to multi-valued fields, to structured fields. Multi-valued fields are fields that contain several values in a list format. Structured fields are fields that contain a table that breaks structured data into columns and rows to keep associated data properly aligned.

Multi-Valued Field Example:

Structured Fields Example: